Sunday, March 04, 2012

Dream Cleaver

It's come to this. Talking about dreams. My running joke with friends is that talking about your Dreams is a conversational offense.

what are you really expounding on when you discuss dreams? "Hey, I had a thought that I met Bruce Willis in the house I grew up in. " awesome! Fucking outstanding, man!

If some jerk told you how a few hours ago he thought a cat talking to him would be a weird. That's not someone invited to your next birthday party. But this behavior is tolerated, at times encouraged, when it's prefaced with being a 'weird' dream.

My disdain for dreams is tempered by the reverence they're shown by people I admire in fields I enjoy and covet. Sean Penn once said "I'm a filmmaker so I have to respect dreams." Sergei Eisenstein said film editing owes more to the selection of images dreams than anything else. Screenwriters I love recommend keeping a dream journal! Good god, am I misguided curmudgeon when it comes to dreams?

Perhaps it's anchored to my dreams being quotidian. I rarely reach the supernatural. A lot of dreams about people I know, places I've been, events I could encounter likelier awake than in REM sleep.

Not sure why I lack the fantastic when dreaming, I consider myself creative but the mind doth roam of its own accord I suppose.

I hope to be original in my work if not in my dreams but I wonder if this lack in the latter unhorses the former. I love writing but at times I am bereft of the truly imaginative (maybe this is immediately obvious). Perhaps my dull dreams denote a type of missing creativity gene.

I know that's a depressing logical warren I'm entering. but I do think there's an intangible, biological element to askew works of art and it seems appropriate that it would be demonstrative in dreams.

So, am I completely fucked in reaching a higher echelon of creative life because I have boring dreams? Likely not, but I think I'll have to work harder to get these posts more worthwhile.

To put it in hockey parlance I have a 4th line talent. And like a grinder playing six minutes a game with ambitions of moving up I better make sure I'm practicing hard and taking all optional skates.

This is one more missive in that direction. Let's see if I can reverse the dream journal paradigm and see by vomiting these posts that my dreams stop letting me down. And - if nothing else - in time hopefully I can move up a few lines in quality.

Regardless, I promise not to tell you about my dreams.


Blogger amy said...

Maybe you do have weird and crazy dreams but you just don't remember them. Also, sometimes I think people who talk in great detail about their weird dreams are just making it all up to hide the fact that they are dull. for example: "OMG then there was a giant horse and everybody was in space suits.. I must be so interesting/creative if I have such wild dreams!"

12:13 PM  
Blogger Jag said...

Thats possible - if you are interesting/creative why waste it on your dreams alone? Let's see it in live action!

6:52 AM  

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