Monday, September 18, 2006

Written with flu-addled hands

I spent two hours after school with Boris looking at a computer screen attempting to edit together raw footage of Harsh Realm into a coherent four minute vignette. I'm aware that editing is integral to the process of making an engaging and affecting flick (Stanley Kubrick correctly pointed out that editing is the only art form that is truly unique to filmmaking - screenwriting, acting are not dissimilar from the stage and the shooting of a movie shares most of its principles with photography and sound recording) but pull out my eyelashes is it a time consuming, tedious and frustrating task…it will get better with time, we're pretty much using the software unawares, and it is starting to come along it's just going to take some long days, but I suppose that's okay and to be expected.

There was no class on Friday so on Thursday we finally decided to have a non teacher-supervised group building exercise and got drunk in Kelly's basement. There were the old fogies of the class: Myself, Brendan, Davis, Nathan and his lady, and Dylan (a super-rad cat from Calgary who owns his own t-shirt company, I've also linked to it under my 'Allies' heading - don't let the name scare you off, they're awfully cool shirts, made sweatshop free and I've seen them, they hang very well and are of high quality.

The young pups who prevented us from hitting up a bar were the aforementioned Boris and the hostess Kelly. It was a great fucking night, Kelly showed us a 20 minute short she made in high school that I thought was extremely well-done. We played Taiwanese drinking games and told jokes and smoked too much. The night sort of got away from us by the end we were stuffing socks into passed out Boris' mouth and adding to Monday's embarrassment. I won't bore you with details but suffice it to say it included playing a game involving the word 'truth' and the word 'dare'.

I woke up after a couple of hours of sleep and made it to a house on Berkley street close to my college in attempt to live in a place that has working internet, a washer and dryer, a kind landlady, is closer to school and is 200 bucks cheaper than my cabin. Well, this shared basement suite has all those things and despite my haggard, hung-over appearance and the fact I hadn't had a shower or brushed my teeth - she rented the place to me! Word.

On Saturday I attended the Vancouver Student Film Festival ( A flick from Cap College, Lost and Found was in competition. They were all short films of varying adroitness, but they all looked great and it was inspiring to see that there are avenues to get started on once school is finished., I honestly thought Lost and Found, a flick about a lawyer befriended a young girl after his family dies in a car accident, was the best and voted for it in the Audience Choice Award. It didn't win. I was also partial to Because You Demanded It! Which dealt with two competitive comic book store employees who attempt to manipulate two regular customers into dating. If you know me, you will understand why this appealed to me. It was fun to pretend I was a big shot and hobnob with the handlebar mustachioed elite of the Vancouver Student Film Set…which isn't very elite at all. I would loved to go to the after party and stood in the corner awkwardly, but I had to go to my ex-home to pack for my move on Sunday.

How do you end a blog post when you're sick and inherently lazy? Like this:

Are you Johnny Ray?
Are you Slim Ray?
Are you Paid Ray?
Who wants to know? Who wants to know?
Are you Sting Ray?
Are you Nick Ray?
Are you Jimmy Ray?
Who wants to know? Who wants to know 'bout me?
Hey, can you tell when you look in my eye
You don't mess around with me
'less you feelin' dangerous.
Are you into my scene, lay it on the line
Ya come and take a walk with me
if you're feelin' dangerous.
Cuz I'm mean-a
I'm lean-a
I ain't no in-between-a.
With Aretha, I'm a dreamer
Good God, I'm a believer.
Maybe we can shake it down by the walk
Do you think I'm takin' liberties?
Are ya dangerous?
I gotta get it, somethin' in my genes
ya come and take a walk with me
if you're feelin' dangerous.
Cuz I'm mean-a
I'm lean-a
I ain't no in-between-a
With Aretha, I'm a dreamer
Good God, I'm a believer
Everybody jump back, turn around now
Let's do it again
Everybody jump back, turn around now
Let's do it again
Chorus (x2) fading


Blogger The Chairman said...

That song reminds me why I left the force in the first place.

9:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That song was my school's high school grad song. I'm not kidding.

9:22 AM  

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