Friday, August 18, 2006

Doogie Howser Was The First Blogger

A weekend with nothing to do. But, hey, that's okay. Iko, an aforementioned ESL student, made me a CD today of Japanese rock songs. On the cover she wrote "JAG IS ROCK". I think that may be the greatest compliment I have ever received.

Work's going well, I'm already half way done. School will be upon me in no time at all. I'm taking my afternoon students (the class I like) on a field trip to Canada Place next week to ask strangers questions. It should be hilarious fun. I know this borders on mocking, but immigrants say some fucking goofy things sometimes and it's a blast to listen to.

Today was a half-day and after I hit he bank and Staples to buy some blank CDs to return Iko's kindness with I stopped by Waterfront station and stared at the ocean. I do that a lot here. I'm not exactly sure why I find it so mesmerizing. I don't even like boats or swimming or anything. In fact, if anything around here should remind me of the planate, unflinching prairies it is a calm sea. I suppose the minor undulations are enough to keep me mentally occupied and assured of its beauty. Laminar Flow is dreamy.

It was another sunny, warm day and I felt wholly relaxed as I got home. I'm eagerly looking forward to a weekend of nothing.

In other news: Stephen Harper did not attend the International AIDS conference in Toronto this year. People are in an uproar. He is fucking lame for not attending, but I honestly think it will have an insignificant impact on his political future. If these apoplectic flak shooters would watch The National (the best show ever) they would know that ol' Sloppy Face Jean Chrétien also was a no-show at the '96 conference here in Vancouver. It didn't appear to have any lasting effect on his career.

Look, I'm not saying it's a waste of time to be outraged. People should know. What I want to offer is if you're wringing your hands in frustration please know there's a precedent set here. Despite the seemingly insurmountable opposition and apathy you face - you'll win. That's the thing with these dickhead Right Wing conservatives…um, as opposed to those left wing conservatives. They always take their archaic stands and argue their idiotic points and they always fucking lose. Harper can get the business boys/hick/Guns And Ammo subscriber vote by apostrophizing about the security of our Northern waterways and not sully himself with all those city queers and their ickiness. But he's aligned in history with those people who thought our kids shouldn't dance with 'Negroes'. The people who thought Rock N Roll would destroy our culture. The people who felt women were too fragile and dim to offer suffrage to. We laugh at those people now and we'll laugh at them again. We all know AIDS is more important than an outpost on Baffin Island. He's a politician, his job is to ensure a majority next election. Nothing more, nothing less. His rube-ish, backwards ideology will yellow and fade like discarded newsprint. It always does. It's a shame that even in 2006 AIDS is seen as a disease of deviants - let's face it, a lot of people still feel that way - and I yearn for the advent of time machines so I can view a Canada where the largest hindrance of HIV/AIDS is missing an hour or two of work to get your prescription for the cure (AIDScure ™ - 29.95 a bottle!) refilled. And people view homosexuals adopting children with the same disinterest we show when confronted with an Asian working at McDonald's.

Rant Ends Here.

I'm going to eat veggie dogs and have a nap. If you're cool you'll buy Amy Millan's solo album because I'm in love with it and want it to be my girlfriend. She's also coming to town on September 20th - does anyone want to go with me? Oh…well. Fuck you.

I'm also digging Ratatat, The Mad Capsule Markets and Midlake. Spread the word. It's safer than spreading AIDS.


Blogger The Chairman said...

Where'd you get it, the toilet store?

No seriously, I like it. And if you find yourself leaning towards using "Doogie Howser, MD" in your blog again I advise you strongly to contact your legal team.

7:39 AM  
Blogger Jag said...

Hey German-girl! Go back to Germania!

Which, of course, I mean thanks for liking my post. I suppose also congratulations are in order! Hearts are being broken all over Edmonton....

8:26 PM  

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