Sunday, September 24, 2006

Getting Shot

There's blood all over my head. I spent the afternoon shooting a short 5-minute movie with Dylan, Nathan, Davis and Brendan. Dylan and I wrote it, Nathan was director. It was a crime story about a gangster and two delivery boys who are in a lot of trouble. It's pretty ridiculous, but was a blast to make. I'm going to edit it as well, and hopefully put in up on You Tube soon. It involved five people getting shot, I was one of them, we used an entire bottle of stage blood. My life has become much more fun lately.

On Monday afternoon we're shooting another short that I'm also stoked about. It's called Tumble Dry Blues. I wrote it with Dylan again and this one I'm also directing and operating the camera. Leyland's editing it soon after filming is over so that should be available toot sweet. This one is more of a comedy, a lot of the lines came out of improve between the two actors (screenwriter Dylan and editor Leyland are the two leads). I hope you guys dig it.

Thursday was a school-held BBQ with all the film, acting, costuming, and cinematography students present. After free burgers and decaffeinated pop we went to a film festival of four amazingly well-shot second and third year's shorts. They were of varying quality, and once again Lost and Found remained the most impressive and moving to me. Afterwards, there was a panel discussion with all the directors of the shorts. I know none of us are exactly within the upper echelons of filmic society and that I am, incurably, immature, but I felt downright giddy to be wearing my little nametag at a screening where there was a panel of filmmakers afterwards. It was fucking rad and it had the ancillary benefit of getting me motivated. I want to be on a panel one day, looking uncomfortable and offering experience-based advice and making cute girls chuckle at deadpan anecdotes of the countless problems incurred on set.

When the auditorium cleared, Dylan, Davis, Brendan and I went to the Holiday Inn near our school and got drunk in their lounge. It was good times. We talked about hockey the whole time. We're starting a film student hockey pool that I'm sure to dominate. These are cats that I am not just friends with because of geographic closeness or school related conversation. We're fast becoming true pals and it makes me exceedingly happy to be working with them for college products and our own little opuses we produce on the weekends.


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