Sunday, September 24, 2006

Advice OR Disjointed Writing On A Higher Level

Got a six second preview of 'Delivery Boys' in my email from Nathan. It looks fucking rad - it's incredible how a little visual effect and some sound editing can alter a flick. If you want to see it, write me an email or message and I'll send you the QuickTime movie.

Haha, I'm watching it again, Dylan and Davis' reactions are perfect. Throughout the shooting of 'Boys', Nathan's car got pretty bloody. We also forgot to clean it up after we wrapped and got some hilarious double-takes and jaw drops on the freeway as we sped home in a car that was dripping very realistic looking blood. We also got a visit from the RCMP, but they were extremely friendly and let us finish as long as we didn't bring out any of the fake guns in between takes.
Speaking of jaw-dropping, Mark from Taiwan just called me and is visiting Vancouver. So I'm going to grab a beer with him tonight. Wowzers, that's going to be fucking surreal to see ol' Limey Mark 'The Rocket' Richard again!
I actually forgot to mention something last post. As the four of us stumbled home Thursday night we came across a film set. It was of an SNL movie coming out next summer with Adam Sanberg and Chris Parnell (I don't watch the new SNLs, so I have no idea who the fuck those guys are) We talked to a few PAs and the assistant Location Manager and everyone was apt to talk and was friendly and allowed us as much access to the set as they were permitted.
The Asst Loc. Man. Gave us his card which was damn decent of him and told us to keep up with making our shorts on the weekends, they'll be our calling cards and that's how you get trusted with a feature film set and crew. That was inspiring to hear, enhanced by watching the director who was about my age at the helm of this production and ordering around (albeit politely) these hundreds of people. It was all very impressive. Too bad the flick will probably suck balls.
Furthermore, on a completely unrelated topic, no man - ever - in the history of the planet has improved his appearance with a ponytail. Don't do it, gents. Never.


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