Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Spunky Funky Bloggity Bloo

Whoo, man. Got back from a four and a half hour stint in the editing lab, but I think my project is finally finished. Can't wait to book in another long night on the weekend to help edit the movie we shot last weekend and the one we're shooting on Friday. That actually wasn't sarcasm - I can't wait to edit my own work. It's like making the whole movie all over again.

Saw Mark on Sunday night. It was surreal and lovely. Like a melting clock made out of marshmallows. It had been over a year since we said our goodbye in Taipei and it's sweetly satisfying to know I can add another name to the exclusive list of friends I'm always myself around and able to slip instantly back into our comfortable rapport despite any absence from each other. It's rarer than you think.

Last night we all headed over to Jessica's apartment for booze and charades. It was (mostly) good times. We sang loud, out of key, Weezer songs and Katie and I relived the magic of those Tube commercials. There was, committed against me, a small transgression however. Nothing major, but it reinitiated me to the need of manners in society. Look, I've made my share of mistakes and I have my scarring regrets, but I keep them with me and try to learn from them. What I'm saying is not that I'm above reproach, I'm just stating that there's a way to treat people. There's such thing as courtesy. Often saying 'please' and 'thank you' to a McDonald's clerk is a human's assurance that they are indeed polite and working within society's parameters. I fear it goes deeper than that. Sure, it's always good to be friendly with strangers, but what impresses me is taking other people's motivations, desires, and invectives into consideration - true consideration. It's the difference between being 'nice' and being
kind. I strive to be kind. I sometimes falter. Perhaps my definition varies from yours. But I know what it means to me, and I feel I'm closer to it than many people. The kind ones can be elusive. Set your traps. They, and you, deserve it.


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