Friday, October 06, 2006

Sykora Scores! My Movie! With Rainbows! What?

Let's see. I badly need a nap and to prepare for my sojourn back to Edmonton for Rousseau's wedding on Saturday. It's going to be funky and a little surreal to be at one of my oldest friends' marriage. It promises to be quite the boondoggle fuck show. Man, I should get on that speech writing I suppose.

This week was the likely one of the busiest of the whole semester. We shot our first film project for marks, a one minute commercial. In our group, my script was selected for production (that's right. I rule.) So I was also the director. It was a blast to pretend to be big shots and audition and cast actors (mad props to Katelyn Wallace and David Millar for making my little opus seem professional) and also scout locations and make storyboards and shooting schedules and everything.

Tuesday was shoot day. We had crew call at 11am and Dylan and I didn't leave the editing room until 12:30 that night. That was a long ass day. But they say it's only work if you'd rather be doing something else. It's sweetly astonishing and warming to be busy and having fun. These are blessed times.

Made much more so by the Oilers totally beating Calgary in the season opener. I have impure thoughts about Petr Sykora.

Anyways to get back on more germane subjects: the commercial is for a TV and looking at other people's edit, I think my group is sitting pretty. Jared, Dylan, Brendan and Gillian all worked their bags -or what have you - off and no real kafuffles erupted. So, yeah, puppy dogs and blow jobs all around.

I attempted to write a 5 page script for some free-time shooting with the boys last weekend and it ballooned into a fourteen page script. It needs some tinkering, but I'm really happy with it. I'm giving it to Seanna to look over. Seanna, by the way, is our Motion Picture Production instructor and the best teacher I've ever had and just a wholly rad and interesting woman. I want to be her friend. If we can find some time to shoot it or give it to a more experienced student to direct it we're going to look into submitting it to festivals. This is all VERY preliminary, but most people I've let read it seem to like and think it's got some potential.

Okay, my fucking babies. Live long and perspire. I'll regale you with Albertan tales of inter-species erotica and short bus tipping next week. Goilers! And Marriage!


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