Monday, January 01, 2007

Falafel Pussy

I’m very tired as I write this, but I haven’t updated the bloggio in a while so I thought I should type up some shit. I have just watched and read a lot about the late comedian Mitch Hedberg and it has put me in a somber mood. However, my life – of late – has been most joyous.

Went to Don and Sarah’s for New Years and much food was eaten, many words spelled and hand hockey opponents vanquished (well, one out of three opponents anyway). It was a breath of fresh air listening to the conversations and the witty one-upmanship in most of the guests’ clever jokes and impressive breadth of knowledge…and the comments about boobs were good too. Seriously though, spending a lot of time around nineteen year old film students has precluded a lot of growing and challenging and learning on my weekend socializing sojourns which is not a good thing at all. Not that 19 year olds can’t be intelligent, but I pride myself on the friends I have in Edmonton and I feel they are some of the smartest, kindest and probing (in a good way) people around. It was refreshing, is what I’m saying.

I have decided to begin a purification of sorts for 2007. I’m going to continue my debauchery for the last few days in Alberta, but getting back to Vancouver will mean an end to some of the bad habits of first semester. Eating a lot of vegetables, no more drinking, no more eating out, and walking more around downtown and other areas as well shall be the new doctrine. That should help the body but I want to also focus on my mind and my job intensely right now. I have made the difficult conclusion that I’m not particularly smart so I have resolved to work my bag off to try and make a career out of movies.

2006 was an eventful year of ups and downs. I moved, I had the worst luck with girls since high school, I started school, I became a vegetarian, I found out what I should do with my life, I got a crush on a lesbian (this ties in with the second point), and Saddam Hussein’s hanging has ended all the problems of the Middle East! Whoo! I’m thinking of spending reading week in Iraq – you know, one of those all-inclusive deals. Cody, my man, I shall see you at the shooter table at Shah Frog’s for the Wet Hijab Contest! YEAH! WHOO!


Blogger Jag said...

Oh, Gerald...isn't my warm conversation enough? By the way, it was nice of you to return from the dead to comment on my blog post.

Anyways, it'll be good to see you again - much love and bum sex will be shared!

9:06 PM  

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